Monday, February 10, 2020

Piero Della Francesca

This piece of artwork is called Portraits of the Duchess of Urbino, Battista Sforza. I picked this piece of artwork because I really enjoyed how she is the main focus but if you look further into the picture you can see the landscape in the back. I also like her jewelry and head pieces. Lastly, I see her arm has artwork on it. Is this a tattoo or her shirt? This seems like a very hard drawing and I give him a lot of credit for creating this so beautifully.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Marina Abramović

This piece is called Shoes for Departure and it is an installation piece. It was installed in 1991 and its medium is hewed amethyst. I like this piece of artwork because I have never seen something like this before. I also love how it is made out of a crystal. Overall I think this is a very unique piece of artwork.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marina Abramoovic

This is called Rest Energy made in n1980. I don't necessary like this piece but I just think it's an interesting piece. I feel as though there's a whole story behind it or someone can just make a story out of the situation. I find it interesting how they both are leaning back to each other and how the bow can hold both individuals. I'm also wondering why the arrow is pointed at the woman and the decision as to why it's like that and not the other way around.

Marina abramovic

I like this image because it looks like two people that are really into their argument and it sounds like is something heated. Now I’m wondering what they are talking about. Face to face and the veins popping.

Marina Ambramovic - Aesthetica Magazine

The following artwork is by Marina Abramovic, a Serbian-American performance artist as well as an writer and art filmmaker. The following image represent relationship between performer and audience. Which is one of the themes that her work explores. This particular image caught my attention because of the way they use hair in this image. I like the position of how both individuals are sitting. As well as, both individuals' hair twisted together makes this image more appealing to look at. However, this is one of the many things that she worked on. Her other work display the usage of her own body as a subject and vehicle. 

Maria Ambamovic:

The Artist is Present was a 2010 piece (MOMA) where Maria Ambamovic sat in a red dress and stared into the eyes of 1,000 strangers. Each time she would close her eyes after and would open them for the next. On this moment, she opens her eyes and unexpectantly is staring into the soul
of her ex-husband. It is a beautiful moment as you can feel everything they are thinking without either saying a single word. You feel sorrow, loss, and love. Ironically he ended up suing her 5 years later over not being credited for joint work. 

Maru=ina Ambrovic

Marina Ambrovic's work commands your absolute full attention. This piece caught my eye (literally) when I saw how focused and still the subject of the work was. This piece has a feeling to it, almost as if it is staring back at its spectators.